
Epilepsy Research Institute UK

Why run for us?

Epilepsy Research UK is the only UK charity exclusively dedicated to driving and enabling life changing, life saving research into epilepsy.

We are solely funded through the generosity of our supporters and we need YOUR help to continue driving vital research. You’ll be joining a powerful community working together to stop epilepsy interrupting lives.

A life free from epilepsy is possible. But only through research.


What support you will receive from us

  • You'll receive dedicated fundraising support from our Marketing & Events Manager, Becca, who'll be with you every step of the way!
  • You'll be the proud owner of our stylish charity running top.
  • We'll be on hand to help with promotion on social media.
  • Cheering packs will also be available for your support team.

Need a place?

We have limited charity places available, so be quick!

Entry is free but we ask that all runners aim to raise at least £500 in sponsorship to support vital epilepsy research.
Sign up today by clicking the APPLY NOW button.


Already have place?

If you’re lucky enough to have your own place we’d love for you to join #TeamERUK! There is no minimum sponsorship, and you will still receive the same benefits as the rest of our team.
Join us by clicking the SIGN UP button.


(If you need a charity place)