
Somerset and Avon Rape and Sexual Abuse Support (SARSAS)

Why run for us?

SARSAS provides high quality, specialised and, at times, life-saving support to people who have experienced sexual violence. In recent years, we have seen unprecedented demand on our services alongside an increase in the complexity of trauma symptoms people are experiencing.  With rises to our own operational costs, keeping services at current levels is becoming increasingly difficult.  

The money you raise will help SARSAS to provide support to people who have experienced sexual violence, when they need it.


What Support you will receive from us

  • We will send you a SARSAS running vest to wear on race day
  • Lots of fundraising and training support from our friendly team
  • Support via email and WhatsApp with other SARSAS runners


Need a place?

As a small charity, Bath Half is our main challenge event of the year.  We have 20 places available for a registration fee of £25 and pledge to raise £250.

To apply for one of our places, simply click the APPLY NOW button


Already have a place?

We’d love to welcome you to our team! You’ll receive the same support as our charity place runners; the only difference is you won’t have a minimum fundraising target. We just ask that you raise as much money as you can.

To join our team, click the SIGN UP button!



If you have any questions, pleae contact Julie Higgins at fundraising@sarsas.org.uk


(If you need a charity place)